Class IX
  • क्षक्षनतज, भाग – 1
  • काव्य खंड
  • • कबीर – साखखयाँ सबद पाठ से सबद-2 • सुममत्रानंदन पंत – ग्राम श्री • के दारनार्थ अग्रिाल – चंद्रगहना से लौिती बेर • सिेश्िर दयाल सतसेना – मेघ आए • चंद्रकांत देिताले – यमराज की ददशा गद्य खंड • श्यामाचरण दबूे – उपभोततािाद की सस्ं कृतत • चपला देिी – नाना साहब की पुत्री देिी मैना को भस्म कर ददया गया • महादेिी िमाा – मेरे बचपन के ददन • हज़ारीप्रसाद द्वििेदी – एक कुत्ता और एक मैना कृनतका, भाग – 1 • फणीश्िरनार्थ रेणु– इस जल प्रलय में • शमशेर बहादरु मसहं – ककस तरह आखखरकार मैंदहंदी में आया
  • Hindi Course B Syllabus स्पिय(भाग – 1) .धीरांिन मालवे-वैज्ञाजनक चेतना के वाहक चांद्रशेखर वेंकट रामन · रामधारी जसांह जदनकर- गीत–अगीत · काका कालेलकर-कीचड़ का काव्य · स्वामी आनांद-शुक्रतारेके समान · नज़ीर अकबराबादी-आदमी नामा · हररवांशराय बच्न-अजि पर्थ · अरुण कमल-नए इलाके में… सिंचयन (भाग – 1·) कल्लूकु म्हार की उनाकोटी मेरा छोटा-सा जनिी पुस्तकालय
  • Writing - 1. Descriptive paragraph (Person) 2. Short Story (based on beginning line, outline, cues etc.)
  • Grammar- 1. Tenses 2. Subject-Verb Concord 3. Modals 4. Determiners 5. Reported Speech 6. Commands and Requests 7. Statements 8. Questions Literature Questions based on extracts texts to assess interpretation, inference, extrapolation beyond the text and across the texts.
  • Moments 1. The Lost Child 2. The Adventures of Toto 3. In the Kingdom of Fools 4. The Happy Prince Beehive-Prose 1. The Fun They Had 2. The Sound of Music 3. The Little Girl 4. A Truly Beautiful Mind 5. My Childhood
  • Poems 1. The Road Not Taken 2. Wind 3. Rain on The Roof 4. A Legend of The Northland MOMENTS 5. Weathering the Storm in Ersama 6. The Last Leaf 7. A House is not a Home 8. The Beggar
  • POEMS: 5. No Men Are Foreign 6. On killing a Tree 7. The Snake Trying BEEHIVE-Prose 6. Packing 7. Reach for The Top 8. The Bond of Love 9. If I were You.
  • Matter - Its Nature and Behaviour
  • Organisation in the Living World - Cell-Basic Unit of Life
  • Tissues, Organs, Organ System, Organism
  • Biological Diversity
  • Health and Diseases
  • Motion, Force and Work - Motion
  • Force and Newtons Laws
  • Gravitation
  • Work Energy and Power
  • Sound
  • Our Environment - Physical Resources
  • Bio-Geo Chemical Cycles in Nature
  • Food Production
  • Sanskrit Classes Available According to the CBSE, ICSE and IB Board Syllabus
  • Sanskrit Classes Available According to the CBSE, ICSE and IB Board Syllabus
  • Polynomials
  • Linear Equations in Two Variables
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Introduction to Euclids Geometry, Lines and Angles
  • Triangles
  • Quadrilaterals
  • Area
  • Circles
  • Constructions
  • Mensuration - Areas , Surface Areas and Volumes
  • Statistics and Probability.
Social Science
  • Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – I
  • Unit 2: Contemporary India – I
  • India
  • Physical Features of India
  • Unit 3: Democratic Politics – I
  • What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
  • Constitutional Design
  • Unit 4: Economics
  • 1. The Story of Village Palampur
  • 2. People as Resource

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Sep 29, 2017 at 9:48 am

Nam egestas lorem ex, sit amet commodo tortor faucibus a. Suspendisse commodo, turpis a dapibus fermentum, turpis ipsum rhoncus massa, sed commodo nisi lectus id ipsum. Sed nec elit vehicula.

Sep 29, 2017 at 9:48 am

Nam egestas lorem ex, sit amet commodo tortor faucibus a. Suspendisse commodo, turpis a dapibus fermentum, turpis ipsum rhoncus massa, sed commodo nisi lectus id ipsum. Sed nec elit vehicula.

Sep 29, 2017 at 9:48 am

Nam egestas lorem ex, sit amet commodo tortor faucibus a. Suspendisse commodo, turpis a dapibus fermentum, turpis ipsum rhoncus massa, sed commodo nisi lectus id ipsum. Sed nec elit vehicula.

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